Katze sitzt im geöffneten Koffer

Traveling with a cat

Summer vacation is approaching: whether relaxing by the pool, hiking in the mountains or an adventure vacation with the family - everyone has their own preferences. But with a cat in the house, the...
Katze liegt mit dem Rücken auf Holzboden

Heat in the cat

Depending on the breed, cats become sexually mature between the sixth and ninth month. Once they are ready to mate, their behavior suddenly changes - they actually roll around on the ground, rub t...
Zwei Katzen inmitten mehrerer Zimmerpflanzen

What is poisonous to cats?

Cats are pure carnivores - i.e. meat eaters. Your food should always contain a high proportion of meat so that cats are fed a species-appropriate diet. But there are some things that should definit...
Übergewichtige Katze liegt auf Baststuhl

Obesity in cats

Cats should not lack for anything. This intention is laudable, but unfortunately it always leads to people meaning a little too well with their food. Too much or the wrong food and too little exerc...
Katze macht ihr Geschäft auf dem Katzenklo

Acute diarrhea in cats

Veterinarian Dr. Karin Schlotterbeck explains: First of all, when it comes to diarrhea, it should be said that diarrhea is not a diagnosis, but a symptom that can have a number of underlying ...
Katze beißt in Menschenhand

What to do if a cat bites you?

Cat bites should under no circumstances be underestimated. When playing with your furry roommate, it happens quickly - sharp fangs dig into your hand and a stabbing pain brings the fun to an ...
Babykatze in Menschenhänden

The 1st cat

Do you want to give a tiger a home? Then you can look forward to an animal enrichment in your home. A lot of cuddles are part of it, but there are also a few things to consider, because your new r...
Katze putzt sich im Garten

Dangers in the garden for cats

Your little tiger is a curious roommate. Unfortunately, this characteristic can quickly become its downfall in the garden if no precautionary measures are taken. Because when cats are hunting, the...
Zwei Katzen fressen aus einem Napf

Healthy pet food for cats

There are many animal foods - but what is healthy for my tiger? As our name suggests, domestic cats and large wild cats such as tigers are similar in some ways: they sleep a lot and like to hunt...