Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 4: Das Schnurren

The language of the cat - Part 4: Purring

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's tail position, meowing or pupil shape - our tigers communicate a lot with us and we w...
Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 3: Die Pupillenform

The language of the cat - Part 3: The pupil shape

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's tail positioning, meowing or purring - our tigers communicate a lot with us and we w...
Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 2: Das Miauen

The language of the cat - Part 2: Meowing

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's the position of their tails, the shape of their pupils or their purring - our tigers ...
Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 1: Die Schwanzhaltung

The language of the cat - Part 1: The tail position

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's meowing, the shape of their pupils or purring - our tigers communicate a lot with us ...
Meiner Katze Tricks beibringen – geht das überhaupt?

Teaching my cat tricks – is that even possible?

Cats are known to be self-sufficient and independent animals. For many people it is unthinkable that they can be taught tricks. But it works! Cats can learn tricks and even have fun while doing so...
Katze wird untersucht

From kittens to seniors: Why regular veterinary examinations are essential

When a new cat comes into the house, you should first give it a certain amount of time (one to two weeks) to get used to it. In advance, it is advisable to find out about the behavior of cats...
Collage von Bildern auf denen Katzen von Menschen umarmt werden

Hug your tiger – or not?

June 4th is Hug Your Cat Day - a nice occasion to show your cat a lot of love. But how do we best do this? Should we really hug them or could that be uncomfortable for our tigers?   The characte...
Katze liegt mit Kuscheltier

Blood in cat feces

Blood in feces in cats – what could be the causes?  The causes of blood in cat feces are very diverse .  First of all, the color of the blood must be distinguished.  Fresh, bright red bl...
Babykatze sitzt im Gras

Why do cats actually eat grass?

Although cats are actually carnivores, they eat grass regularly.    Why do cats eat grass?  Since healthy cats are very clean animals, they spend a lot of time grooming their fur. With thei...