Stressfreie Tierarztbesuche: Tipps zur Vorbereitung von Hunden und Katzen

Stress-Free Vet Visits: Tips for Preparing Dogs and Cats

Whether vaccination, check-up or illness: visits to the vet are a regular occurrence and can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for our pets. This is because some animals have already had negative e...
Hund und Katze fressen aus ihren Näpfen

Quality has its price! Why our food is the best choice for your animal

We know that our food is not as cheap as, for example, pet food in the supermarket. But it's not worth saving, especially when it comes to dog and cat food. Because healthy nutrition is essential f...
Hund und Katze lecken an Eis

Why do we actually avoid grains and sugar in our food?

Animal food with sugar and grain?! That's not going to happen to us!   We want to feed our Dogs'n Tigers a species-appropriate and balanced diet and, in our opinion, sugar and grain have no p...
Hund und Katze liegen nebeneinander

Anemia in dogs and cats

Anemia in dogs and cats   Anemia is a disease that is generally caused in mammals by an insufficient number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and/or a lack of hemoglobin (red blood pigment) i...
Hund im Grünen mit einem Fisch im Mund

Essential fatty acids for dog and cat food

Veterinarian Dr. Karin Schlotterbeck explains: Fats are not automatically bad for our four-legged friends, but can make an essential contribution to their well-being. In this article by...
Hund macht draußen sein Geschäft, Katze sitzt auf Katzenklo

The intestinal flora in dogs and cats

Veterinarian Dr. Karin Schlotterbeck explains: Not only in the intestines of humans, but also in those of our animals, there are many small organisms that fulfill some important functions....
Katze bekommt Spritze

Rabies in dogs and cats

Veterinarian Dr. Karin Schlotterbeck explains: Rabies is often portrayed, especially in films, as a particularly serious disease that makes the animal very aggressive. Pictures of angry anima...
Katze und Hund stehen vor vollen Näpfen

A high proportion of meat in the feed

Cats and dogs are carnivores and carni-omnivores, for whom meat has been part of their natural diet for centuries. We want to do justice to this diet with our products and therefore rely on a high...
Katze schreit, Hund jault

Body language in dogs & cats

To get in touch with their environment, dogs and cats use different types of communication - they express themselves with sounds, their gestures and facial expressions. This body language can have...