Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 1: Die Schwanzhaltung

The language of the cat - Part 1: The tail position

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Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's meowing, the shape of their pupils or purring - our tigers communicate a lot with us and we want to understand them better. The first part is about tail posture.  

Cat's tail pose shows its state of mind  

You can easily tell how your tiger is feeling by the way your tiger's tail is held. The better you can interpret this, the better your relationship will be. Because in some moments it is better to give the cat some space.   

Erect tail  

An erect tail that is held high and straight usually indicates confidence and contentment. Cats that wear their tails like this feel safe and comfortable in their surroundings. This behavior can also be interpreted as a sign of friendliness and willingness to interact with other cats or people.  

Pinched tail  

A tucked tail that is close to the body usually indicates insecurity, fear, or stress. Cats often tuck their tails when they feel threatened or are in an uncomfortable situation. It can also indicate that the cat is in pain or uncomfortable.  

Wagging tail  

A wagging tail that swings quickly from side to side can be a sign of excitement and excitement. It is important to consider the context and accompanying behaviors to understand the exact meaning. A wagging tail can indicate that the cat is watching something or feels insecure or threatened. Maybe a hunting jump is about to happen.  

Straight tail with a rounded tip  

If a cat holds its tail straight but the tip is slightly rounded, it can signal that it is happy to see you, but at the same time feels a touch of insecurity. The tail looks a bit like a question mark. The animal's behavior shows a mix of different emotions such as joy, excitement and caution.  

Lowered and bristled cat tail  

A cat's tail that is lowered and bristled indicates fear. It is a behavior that typically occurs when there is threat or conflict. Fear is a powerful instinct and can make cats unpredictable. If there is no way to escape, the cat may be cornered and go on the offensive by attacking. In such situations, it is important that you give the cat enough space and not put pressure on it.  

Tail erect and bristling  

An erect and bristling cat tail is intended to make the cat appear as large and threatening as possible. This behavior serves to scare off potential enemies. This tail position is usually accompanied by a loud hissing sound and ears laid back.  

Twitching cock  

A slightly twitching tail can be a sign that the tiger is in a playful mood. Kitties often exhibit this behavior when playing with toys or with other cats or people.

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