Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 4: Das Schnurren

The language of the cat - Part 4: Purring

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's tail position, meowing or pupil shape - our tigers communicate a lot with us and we w...
Die Sprache der Katze – Teil 1: Die Schwanzhaltung

The language of the cat - Part 1: The tail position

Cats have their own way of communicating. This magazine series is about interpreting cat behavior. Whether it's meowing, the shape of their pupils or purring - our tigers communicate a lot with us ...
Collage von Bildern auf denen Katzen von Menschen umarmt werden

Hug your tiger – or not?

June 4th is Hug Your Cat Day - a nice occasion to show your cat a lot of love. But how do we best do this? Should we really hug them or could that be uncomfortable for our tigers?   The characte...