Neues Jahr, neue Ziele: Vorsätze für Deinen Hund

New year, new goals: resolutions for your dog

The new year has just begun, making it the perfect time to think about how you can improve your pet's life. Resolutions aren’t just for us as humans; They can also benefit your dog, make him fitter...
Lange Autofahrten mit Deinem Hund – so geht’s!

Long car rides with your dog – this is how it works!

Long car journeys can be a challenge not only for you, but also for your doggo. Some dogs are also restless in the car and do not feel comfortable. But you can ensure that it is as relaxed and stre...
Denkspiele für Hunde: So beschäftigst Du Deinen Doggo und hältst ihn fit!

Brain games for dogs: How to keep your doggo busy and fit!

A happy and healthy dog ​​not only needs enough exercise, but also mental stimulation to be fully occupied. Brain games are a great way to challenge your dog mentally while building a close bond. B...