Dog magazine

Der geriatische Hund - Was Du beachten musst
Geriatrie – das klingt vielleicht nach einem komplizierten Wort, aber es ist einfach die Wissenschaft vom Altern. Wenn wir über Geriatrie sprechen, meinen wir die Medizin, die sich um ältere Lebewe...

The most important parasitoses in dogs: What types are there and how can you recognize them?
Parasitosis is widespread and can be a serious disease for our dogs. In this article we will look at the differences between endoparasites and ectoparasites and explain the different types. It'...

Digestive problems in dogs: causes, symptoms and care tips
Diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting - all of these indicate poor intestinal health and are by no means normal in dogs! Other symptoms such as loss of weight, appetite and energy as well as itching can ...

How to pamper your dog in winter - 5 tips for the cold season
The winter months can be challenging not only for us but also for our dogs when it comes to cold and winter blues. Therefore, we should make sure that our doggos not only stay warm but are also...

Diabetes in dogs: causes, symptoms and therapy
Diabetes mellitus, also known as diabetes, is one of the most common metabolic disorders in dogs. With diabetes mellitus, the body can no longer properly regulate its sugar balance, the so-calle...

New year, new goals: resolutions for your dog
The new year has just begun, making it the perfect time to think about how you can improve your pet's life. Resolutions aren’t just for us as humans; They can also benefit your dog, make him fitter...

Intestinal health in dogs - The influence of intestinal flora on well-being
Intestinal health plays a crucial role in your dog’s overall well-being. The intestinal flora, also known as the intestinal microbiome, not only influences digestion, but also has a major influe...

Changing your dog's diet: This is what you need to pay attention to
Proper nutrition is a crucial factor in the health and well-being of our doggos. It may happen that you have to change your dog food at some point, be it for health reasons, allergies and intolera...

Claw injuries in dogs
When running around or going for a walk, a dog's claws can be injured again and again. In order to avoid infections and long-lasting problems and pain for your animal, this article is intended ...