Veterinarian Dr. Karin Schlotterbeck explains:

Many dog owners are probably familiar with the problem: The dog is apathetic, often indicates that it needs to go out and passes unusually soft to liquid feces. Diarrhea in dogs is one of the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disease and can be due to several factors. Be it that the dog devoured a forbidden treat on the walk, is stressed or the change to a new food happened too quickly.
Depending on its origin, diarrhea can be classified as follows:
- Primary diarrhea (cause in the intestine itself)
- Secondary diarrhea (as a result of diseases of other organs)
This explains Dr. Schlotterbeck on:

Acute diarrhea in dogs means that, regardless of the cause, the dog suddenly passes abnormally frequent, mushy, watery feces - either when the dog is in a normal or disturbed general condition.
A distinction is made between the following causes of primary diarrhea :
2. Toxic/Medicinal
- Poison/chemicals
- Medication (antibiotics, etc.)
3. Mechanical/Obstructive
- Bones or foreign bodies
4. Infectious
- Bacteria such as salmonella
- Viruses such as distemper virus or parvovirus
- Parasites such as worms (tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms) or protozoa (giardia, coccidia
5. Allergic or autoimmune related
A distinction is made between the following causes of secondary diarrhea :
- Diseases of the pancreas
- Stress, fear, pain
- Infectious diseases such as motion sickness (leishmaniasis, babesiosis, erlichiosis)
- Hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism or adrenal over- or under-function
Food as a trigger for diarrhea
Some dogs tend to eat anything that comes in front of them. Of course, it sometimes happens that he doesn't tolerate something. Every dog owner knows the classic case: the four-legged friend stays in the bushes for an unusually long time and is suspiciously quiet. The dog comes out, swallows something and later has a rude awakening. However, the usual food can also lead to diarrhea if it is spoiled, is given too cold or a new food is tried. (You can find out more about refeeding here .)
Other triggers for diarrhea
Stress, such as separation anxiety, can be hard on the stomach - and this doesn't just apply to humans. Stressed dogs also tend to develop diarrhea. Such environmental influences are difficult to control, but are also significantly less dangerous than, for example, an illness. Heat , eaten snow or vaccinations can also put a strain on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to short-term diarrhea. This also includes foul water from stagnant bodies of water such as puddles or ponds.
What can I do if my dog has diarrhea?
First of all, diarrhea in dogs is not a reason to panic. However, it is important that the water balance remains balanced and the condition is monitored closely.
You know your pet best, so you will notice if his condition noticeably worsens - but then you should also go to the vet. Giving medication on your own is not advisable - a veterinarian should always be consulted.
As a first step, it often helps to fast the dog for 12-18 hours and then put him on a two-day diet of lean chicken, rice and carrots.
A good tip is also the Morosche soup - for this soup, carrots are boiled in water for 1.5 - 2 hours, which relieves bacterial diarrhea.
After this diet, you should not go straight back to normal food - a transition of 2 days from diet food to normal food should be planned.
If the dog's condition improves, easily digestible snacks can also be given.
In the event of severe or prolonged diarrhea or an obviously disturbed general condition, you should definitely consult a veterinarian quickly - if necessary, you may be asked to bring fecal samples with you after consultation with the practice.