Backmischung Krümelchen: Verpackung, Inhalt und fertige Hundekekse in Knochenform
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Hundekekse in Knochenform


Vital baking mix for dog biscuits
Sale price£8.00
€ / £3.20100g

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Size:250 g

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Premium baking mix for your furry friend

Bake, bake, ... cookies!

Cookies don't just taste good to us two-legged friends, our furry friends also love little treats in between.

This tasty baking mix gives your pet an extra portion of vegetables in his biscuit bowl with nutritious carrots, peas, leeks and more! Of course, it does not contain any grain or sugar. To round off the taste, a select mixture of herbs provides that special something and at the same time makes the cookies easy to digest. Not only recommended for (Christmas) parties for those with a sweet tooth!

Single feed for dogs
The bone-shaped cookies pictured can be baked using the baking mix and an appropriate cookie cutter. A cookie cutter is not included.

Do you want to start right away?
Our recipe for crispy dog ​​biscuits

You need:

  • 1 x baking mix “crumbs” (250g)
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 large tablespoon of oil of your choice (we recommend sunflower oil because of its nutty taste)
  • Some buckwheat flour or similar for rolling out
  • optional: cookie cutter

Preheat the oven to 140 degrees fan. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Put the baking mixture in a bowl and mix well with the water and oil until a homogeneous dough is formed. This may take some time. If you have a food processor, it can do some of the work for you.

Roll out the dough with a little buckwheat flour on a worktop to about 0.5 cm thick.
Cut out shapes as desired or cut the dough into small training diamonds.
Lay out on baking paper and bake in the oven for about 60 minutes

Important tips:
Make sure the cookies are very dry. The best way to do this is to let them cool down after the baking time in the still warm oven with the door open. Then the cookies last for a very long time.

Would you like to add tuna or similar wet ingredients to refine it? No problem - just note that this will change the consistency and you may have to add more flour to be able to continue processing the dough afterwards.

only the best in it

Production according to food standards

Animal-friendly recipes

High meat content


With our Dogs' n Tiger food subscription you save 10% on your order and we send your selection to your home regularly!

You decide which products are sent and how frequently.

Whether the pantry is filled every other week, every four weeks, every six weeks or every eight weeks - it's up to you and your four-legged friend's appetite.


With our Dogs' n Tiger food subscription you save 10% on your order and we send your selection to your home regularly!

You decide which products are sent and how frequently.

Whether the pantry is filled every other week, every four weeks, every six weeks or every eight weeks - it's up to you and your four-legged friend's appetite.