Diabetes bei der Katzen: Ursachen, Symptome und Therapie

Diabetes in cats: causes, symptoms and therapy

Diabetes is a hormonal metabolic disorder that occurs very frequently in cats, also in combination with other hormonal metabolic disorders such as overactive thyroid ( hyperthyroidism ). In con...
Verstärkter Durst und Harnproduktion bei der Katze

Increased thirst and urine production in cats

If a cat is unusually thirsty, which leads to a significantly increased water intake, this is called polydipsia. This causes increased urine production, called polyuria, which subsequently lead...
Das Fibrosarkom bei der Katze

Fibrosarcoma in cats

Fibrosarcoma is the most common skin tumor in cats and accounts for approximately 40 percent of all skin tumors. It is a very aggressive, malignant tumor of the connective tissue of the skin th...
Mundgeruch bei der Katze

Bad breath in cats

Cat bad breath, also known as foetor ex ore, occurs in many cats and can have a variety of causes.  Causes of bad breath in cats Young cats can experience temporary foetor ex ore when...