Das Fibrosarkom bei der Katze

Fibrosarcoma in cats

Fibrosarcoma is the most common skin tumor in cats and accounts for approximately 40 percent of all skin tumors. It is a very aggressive, malignant tumor of the connective tissue of the skin th...
Katze putzt ihren After

Inflammation of the anal gland in cats

What are anal glands? Similar to dogs, cats also have anal glands to the left and right of the anus.  These small glands produce an oily and smelly fluid that is normally emptied during de...
Katze wird untersucht

From kittens to seniors: Why regular veterinary examinations are essential

When a new cat comes into the house, you should first give it a certain amount of time (one to two weeks) to get used to it. In advance, it is advisable to find out about the behavior of cats...